武漢兆格信息技術有限公司(注冊資金1000萬元,地球空間信息計算生產能力及數據分析服務提供商,是一家面向空間大數據、云計算、云協作生產的技術運營公司。公司致力于將“智能協同”的概念引入傳統地理信息空間數據產業,通過運用互聯網、云計算、攝影測量、計算機視覺、機器學習(AI)等技術,將“數據、任務、人員、軟件、算法”連接起來,形成 “海量、彈性、在線、協作、可定制”的智能計算生產能力,為用戶提供通過處理各類遙感對地觀測數據,得到地面物體的幾何、物理、屬性、變化信息的計算生產平臺及最終數據的產品和服務。 在未來,兆格大腦(GridKnow AI),依托搭建在高性能云計算平臺上的專業領域深度學習算法,以生產協作云平臺獲取的海量空間大數據為樣本,自行研發或收購或合作更多的機器計算算法,通過對地理信息數據處理的機器學習,得到影像匹配、地物識別、變化監測、信息提取等人工智能算法成果,并據此對空間信息大數據進行智能分析處理,將處理成果和報告進行發布,為測繪、軍事、電力、農業、林業等行業的專業應用提供實時空間信息觀測服務。

業務關鍵詞: “天空地觀測、時空大數據、云協作、AI”
公司愿景:Grid knowing,格兆物,以致知
兆格的使命:Image to Insight,通過獲取時空大數據,基于云工廠的智能計算能力, 融合各類傳感器信息,智能調配算法與人工,實時感知測量萬萬種地物,以達到智能理解地物的狀態、并做出各種評估、預測。


At GridKnow, we combine deep learning,computer vision and survey&map technology with human-in-the-loop to automate the discovery of objects at scale.

Despite our best efforts at automation, there will likely always be a need for a "human-in-the-loop" when it comes to complex business processes. We have developed human-in-the-loop cloud platform, supporting global collaboration work, With GridKnow’s human-in-the-loop platform:

1) you can use imagery from any drone OR satellite to create collaborative maps and 3D models on cloud. You also can explore trends, make measurements and incorporate drone data with any app-tools on demand.

2) you can annotate images specific to your business needs, and choose from our template library and customize your design settings to drive the data quality you need. Our platform will route the tasks to the right people and finish it based on your requirements. And generating high-quality training data to ensure your model is always as accurate as possible.

With remarkable advancements in computer vision,cloud computing, and survey&map technology, GridKnow is also turning millions of images into a big-picture understanding of the world that is quantitatively grounded in observation, creating unprecedented transparency, and empowering global decision makers ,with a new source of market insights.

Global Mapping Project that is an international collaborative initiative has been implementing.

We are a team of highly skilled engineers and scientists passionate about understanding the world around us.







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